From: Patricia
Message: 4922
Date: 2005-03-01
Hello Carrollthe home page e.mails tonorse these are our contacts, and as you have published an expression of your intent to learn Old Norse, you have taken the first steps in the right direction, the home page with all it's links is a really good place to start, what we are doing at the moment is going through a Saga story, of Auðun from the West Fjords and how he sold all his property to buy a Bear (polar of course) to take as a present to King Sweinn, Old Norse is a wonderful language - the language of the Sagas and I hope you will like joining in.We are a helpful lot of folk, join in with us and study.KveðjaPatricia----- Original Message -----From: Carroll D. ReimerSent: Monday, February 28, 2005 9:48 PMSubject: [norse_course] Getting StartedGreetings All!I have never posted to this list, primarily because I have never figured out how to get started. I read with a certain amount of intimidation all your posts on advanced Old Norse and, well, just have never posted.This last weekend, I went to the Harrow Moot, just outside of Mexia, Tx. There, I mingled with several Folks from Anglo-Saxon Heathenry; however, this is not the first time I have done so. What impresses me about these people is that many of them have taken the time to learn Old English as a part of their religious expression. I, coming from more of the Scandinavian end of things, want to learn Old Norse, as a part of my religious expression.How do I get started? What is out there for the ABSOLUTE beginner that need to learn inflexion (sp?); that need to hear what it sound like before the learning process can begin?Vaygar Odden Elmersson, StorGodi
RheinWood Asatru Assembly
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