My husband has made me a lovely wooden bowl and would like to carve
runes in the Younger Futhark around the edge.

I thought these lines from the Havamal would be nice, but I need help
turning it into runes. I never know where the capital R form goes
instead of the other "r" form. Do I use R at the ends of the following
two words?

Mildir frœknir
menn bazt lifa
sjaldan sút ala

Also which rune do I use for the œ? Do I only use one "n" for menn?
Am guessing I need to use "i" for the j in sjaldan?

Then I want to add:
þisar runar rist Frid - - guessing that would be the closest to his
name. Again I have the same problem of not knowing which "r" to use.
Worse yet, do I double the "r" at the beginning and end of runar or
should there be only one "r" at the end of þisar and begining of runar
and at the end of runar and beginning of rist - - þ i s a R u n a R i s t???

Thanks in advance!

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.