From: llama_nom
Message: 4888
Date: 2005-02-16
> Hi Llamathe same ((h)inn), which can sometimes be confusing semantically.
> In norse the definite and the demonstrative pronouns are expressed
> In the first 5 examples I might add -which is the best/sharpest/most warlike of all. Which probbably fits quite well into the
>rules to either, but then I don't know much about the habits of
> Your other examples I don't see any hindrance for applying theese
>inscriptions, no definite pronouns.
> As to your Norweigan example, it's quite standard for the runic
>that it doesn't apply to modern Norweigan... I probbably will find
> How this applies to modern Icelandic I do not know, but i do know
>the norse love of bragging/putting forth of their possesons and
> The coupeling of the demonstrative and possesive I'd attribute to
>really apply to the norse language.
> To me it seems the definite article as we use and know it, doesn't
>today, and I only assume it has it's roots in everyday use of the
> The use of the diminuative has continued in the use of names until
>brief of the action), Don't really know what to say about that...
> Eaters of the Dead, never heard abuot it before ( just got a short
> Runadis
> llama_nom <600cell@...> wrote:
> Hi Annika,
> > _the '(h)inn' would of course only be used if the brother had
> recently been mentioned in the same conversation or was in sight
> the time of the conversation...would
> Does this rule about (h)inn apply to Modern Icelandic? And if the
> brother was not in sight and had not been recently mentioned,
> the adjective still be weak? Here are some examples from Oldthe
> Icelandic where I think the thing/person is being mentioned for
> first time in the conversation:In
> 1) Gillingr skal hafa uxa minn inn góða
> "G. shall have my best ox"
> (Gautreks saga, ch. 2)
> 2) Upp rístu Þakkráðr,
> þræll minn in bezti.
> "Arise Th., my best thrall"
> (Völundarkviða, st. 39)
> 3) ok minn inn hvassi hjörr
> "and my sharp sword"
> (Fáfnismál, st. 6)
> 4) Skaltu nú drekka brullaup til hennar ok fara í skrúða minn inn
> besta.
> You must/shall now marry her and go in my best raiment.
> (Sturlaugs saga starfsama, ch. 22)
> 5) bróðir þinn inn böðskái
> "your warlike brother"
> Admittedly in 3, though not mentioned, the sword has been felt.
> 1 and 4 I'm not sure if the item in in sight, but maybe. Gillingis
> a poor man so perhaps he keeps his ox indoors. I don't know theinside
> context of 4, I'm afraid. In 5, the brother is probably NOT IN
> SIGHT, as he's just arrived and instructed the speaker to go
> the hall to announce his
> Not strictly relevant, but the use of possessive + demonstrative
> also found in Old English:very
> 6) broþer þin se selesta
> "your blessed brother"
> (Guþlac 1332-3)
> ...and weak adjectives with or without definite/demonstrative
> pronouns in Gothic:
> 7) þu is sunus meins sa liuba
> you are my own beloved son
> (Luke 3,22)--speaker = voice from heaven, who hasn't mentioned
> anything till now
> 8) sa sunus meins dauþs was jah gaqiunoda
> my son was dead but came to life
> (Luke 15,24)--speaker = father of the Prodigal Son, speaking in
> private to his jealous other son
> 9) Þu nu, barn mein waliso
> so you, my dear child
> (2Tim 2,1)
> In vocatives like 9, the weak/definite declension of the adjective
> is a matter of convention, used even in writing a letter, as in 9,
> or a Gospel, where the adressee is not in sight: batista
> Þaiaufeilu "most excellent Theophilus" (Luke 1,1). This is the
> beginning of the Gospel, so Th. hasn't been mentioned previouslyNorway
> either. On the other hand, an early 5th c. inscription from
> has the vocative adjective declined strong, and withoutsomething
> demonstrative/article:
> 10) Birg, Inguboro, swestar minu liubu meR Wage
> "Save/protect [me], Inguboro, my dear sister, me WagaR."
> (Opedal runestone)
> It has been speculated that this was a prayer addressed to the
> occupant of a nearby grave-mound (20m away, according to Arild
> Hauge's site). I don't know if that affects the grammar though.
> The Opedal inscription conflicts with Gothic usage. Would this
> require a definite pronoun in Old Norse? Modern Icelandic?
> > Also I think it's likely that instead of using the word little
> they would maybe only use a diminuative, so you could get
> like bróð + le (the diminuative) + ur/ir, which with vocalinfix
> subtraction would give an end result somthing like bróðlir, which
> would mean little or small brother...
> Do you have any examples of this method of forming a diminutive?
> Did it survive in Old Icelandic as a productive affix? The old
> diminutives -ill and -li were added to the end of the word and
> affect the declination, but I hadn't heard of this diminutive
> in ON. I'm not sure that even -ill and -li were freely combinedin
> with roots in historical times.
> Where did the speaker come from in Eaters of the Dead? I haven't
> read the book, but in the film (13th Warrior) I think they end up
> Norway don't they? But could it be an East Norse peculiarity?at
> Maybe we should be looking for parallels on Swedish runestones.
> Lots of examples of bróþir, anyway, but are there any with an
> adjective?
> Llama Nom
> --- In, Annika Larla Evensen McKibbin
> <runadis@...> wrote:
> > _the '(h)inn' would of course only be used if the brother had
> recently been mentioned in the same conversation or was in sight
> the time of the conversation... Also I think it's likely thatmine".
> instead of using the word little they would maybe only use a
> diminuative, so you could get something like bróð + le (the
> diminuative) + ur/ir, which with vocal subtraction would give an
> end result somthing like bróðlir, wich would mean little or small
> brother...
> >
> > Runadis
> >
> > llama_nom <600cell@...> wrote:
> >
> > --- In, "absnt_mnd_prof"
> > <hilandfox@...> wrote:
> > >
> > >
> > > Can anyone give me the old norse for this?
> >
> >
> > Google turns up a lot of Modern Icelandic examples of both:
> >
> > litli bróðir minn (1990)
> > bróðir minn litli (52)
> >
> > Also a few with: hinn litli bróðir minn. I don't know if that
> adds
> > the same kind of emphasis as English "that little brother of
> >Service.
> > Perhaps the most likely way to say it in Old Norse would be:
> >
> > bróðir minn inn litli
> >
> > Llama Nom
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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