Re: [norse_course] Auðun - section 12

From: Patricia
Message: 4886
Date: 2005-02-15

Auðun ventures off once again.
Ok nú gaf konungr honum silfr mjök mikit,
and now gave the King to him silver much great
And now the King gave him a large amount of silver
 ok fór hann suðr síðan með Rúmferlum,
and travelled he south with Rome Pilgrims
and he went south to Rome with some Pilgrims
 ok skipaði konungr til um ferð hans, bað hann koma til sín, er kvæmi aptr.
and he arranged The King to his journey and bid him come to see him after.
and the King arranged all his travelling  and asked him to come back to him afterwards
Nú fór hann ferðar sinnar, unz hann kømr suðr í Rómaborg. 
now travelled he journey his, until he came South in RomeCity   (I think Borg is City-compound name)
Now he travelled his way until he came South to the city of Rome
Ok er hann hefir þar dvalizk, sem hann tíðir, þá ferr hann aptr; tekr þá sótt mikla;
And when he had there stayed, as much as he desired then travelled he back
when he had stayed as long as he wished, he returned    (well there's a lot in Rome)
tekr þá sótt mikla; gørir hann þá ákafliga magran.
taken there an illness great became he exceedingly lean looking
He was taken exceedingly ill and lost a lot of weight (became thin)   I blame the drains (lack of)
Gengr þá upp alt féit þat er konungr hafði gefit honum til ferðarinnar;
gone then up quite all (féit) that the King had given to him to the journey
He had used up all his wealth ( ?) that the King had given him for his journey
 tekr síðan upp stafkarls stíg, ok biðr sér matar. 
Taken up  after the way of a beggar and pleading for food
He took on the habit (clothing?) of  a beggar and begged for his food
 Hann er þá kollóttr ok heldr ósælligr.
He became then bald and rather wretched
He went bald then and was very miserable
Poor Auðun he was well off at home, best go back to King Sweinn
but apart from that I enjoyed the play.
----- Original Message -----
From: Sarah Bowen
Sent: Monday, February 14, 2005 6:48 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun - section 12

Auðun ventures off once again.
Ok nú gaf konungr honum silfr mjök mikit, ok fór hann suðr síðan með Rúmferlum, ok skipaði konungr til um ferð hans, bað hann koma til sín, er kvæmi aptr.
Nú fór hann ferðar sinnar, unz hann kømr suðr í Rómaborg.  Ok er hann hefir þar dvalizk, sem hann tíðir, þá ferr hann aptr; tekr þá sótt mikla; gørir hann þá ákafliga magran.
Gengr þá upp alt féit þat er konungr hafði gefit honum til ferðarinnar; tekr síðan upp stafkarls stíg, ok biðr sér matar.  Hann er þá kollóttr ok heldr ósælligr.

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