From: llama_nom
Message: 4860
Date: 2005-02-10
> "Fóru þeir þá út á skip, en at því hugði Ánn, hvar hann skyldiþess koma sér, at öllum þætti sér mest mein at."
> Saell LNwondering where to sit,
> I was puzzled over þess koma sér, but I think he is definitely
> Zoëga is very specific with the hvar = where - in what place(says so) and the skyldi is from
> skulu - ought - in the sense to be obliged ought or should -could fit.
> and he has been in trouble before you say so I'm sure he istrying to place himself conveniently out of trouble in case he gets
> The skyldi/skulu bit I dragged out of Gordon.+ reflexive pronouns
> Hope this helps
> Kveðja
> Patricia
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: llama_nom
> To:
> Sent: Sunday, February 06, 2005 9:49 PM
> Subject: [norse_course] "at því hugð" + "koma sér e-s"?
> Could anyone clarify this sentence for me:
> "Fóru þeir þá út á skip, en at því hugði Ánn, hvar hann skyldi
> koma sér, at öllum þætti sér mest mein at."typically
> It's from Áns saga bogsveigis. The context is that Án, a
> troublsome young man, and bourgeoning saga hero, has justconvinced
> his more upstanding but conventional elder brother to let himcome
> along to visit the king.An
> "Then they went out onto the ship," is easy enough, "and/but
> wondered..."guess,
> But what exactly is "hvar hann skyldi þess koma sér"? At a
> could it be that he "wondered where to put himself" on theship?
> What does the genitive 'þess' relate to?to 'því' "for
> Does the first 'at' go with 'hugði'--"he wondered [about the
> following thing]"--or is 'at því' equivalent
> this reason...because"?himself,
> In other words, is An (a) wondering where he should put
> given that everyone thinks he's trouble? Or (b) is hewondering
> where to go "so as to / in order to" make everyone think theworst
> of him?done to
> Or is he wondering why they think this about him, what he's
> get this reaction? I'm a bit confused...sailors?
> Can the second 'sér' in theory refer to either An or the
> Llama Nom
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