Fw: [norse_course] Auðun - section 11

From: Patricia
Message: 4848
Date: 2005-02-08

If this is a repeat, please delete it, I am re-sending simply because O/E had to close and I did not think it would reach you, you cannot trust Microspliff
----- Original Message -----
From: Patricia
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 4:57 PM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun - section 11

Auðun Part Eleven
"En þér, Auðun, kann ek slíka þökk sem þú gefir mér alt dýrit;
But thou, Auðun  can I thank as you have brought the whole bear
But you Auðun I can thank as if you brought the the whole Bear   (? in the first place?)
 ok ver hér með mér!"  Þat þekkisk hann, ok er með Sveini konungi um hrið. 
and be here with me* this accepted him and he with King Swein a while
Will you stay here with me" this he accepted and he remained with King Swein a while
 Ok er liðu nakkvarar stundir, þá mælti Auðun við konung:  "Braut fýsir mik nú, herra" 
and he remained a time, then Auðun spoke with the King  "I wish to leave now Lord*
He stayed for some time and then Auðun spoke to King Swein "I wish to leave now Lord"
Konungr svarar heldr seint:  "Hvar villtu þá," segir hann, "ef þú vill eigi með oss vera?" 
King answered rather slowly. "Where wilt thou go" said he "if thou wilt not with us stay
The king answered rather slowly "Where will you go" he said "If you won't stay with me"
Swein is going all "Thou and Us here it is noticeable
 Hann segir, "Suðr vil ek ganga." 
he said "South will I go on Pilgrimage to Rome
he said "I shall go south in Pilgrimage (the name Rome is not spoken - is this like a kenning
Is Going South a metaphor for this "Holy Journey")
 "Ef þú vildir eigi svá gott ráð taka", segir konungr 
"If thou wouldst not such a noble plan taken" said the King
"If you had not had such a noble plan
"þá myndi mér fyrir þykkja í, er þú fýsisk í braut."
then must to me be much distress that thou wouldst travel away.
Then I should have been "Hurt/displeased" that you wanted to leave.
His words here (Swein) seem to imply to me that he could be hurt, he was not merely a King but a man as well, and had taken a liking to Auðun
Something tells me they will be glad to see each other again, King Swein sounds very noble, as indeed does King Harald (who is a good judge of Character) I read much in between the lines, cant help it - it is there to be seen
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, February 03, 2005 7:46 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun - section 11

Auðun gets some recognition and it´s time to move on
"En þér, Auðun, kann ek slíka þökk sem þú gefir mér alt dýrit; ok ver hér með mér!"  Þat þekkisk hann, ok er með Sveini konungi um hrið.  Ok er liðu nakkvarar stundir, þá mælti Auðun við konung:  "Braut fýsir mik nú, herra"  Konungr svarar heldr seint:  "Hvar villtu þá," segir hann, "ef þú vill eigi með oss vera?"  Hann segir, "Suðr vil ek ganga."  "Ef þú vildir eigi svá gott ráð taka", segir konungr, "þá myndi mér fyrir þykkja í, er þú fýsisk í braut."

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