Auðun -11

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 4846
Date: 2005-02-08

I found this section to be much harder - - lots of idioms, I guess - and
had to resort to my English translation to sort out what was being said.

Subject: Auðun - section 11

Auðun gets some recognition and it´s time to move on

"En þér, Auðun, kann ek slíka þökk sem þú gefir mér alt dýrit; ok ver
But to you, Auðun, I acknowledge such thanks as (if) you gave me the
whole bear; and stay

hér með mér!" Þat þekkisk hann, ok er með Sveini konungi um hrið. Ok
here with me!” He consented (to) that, and was with King Svein for a
while. And

er liðu nakkvarar stundir, þá mælti Auðun við konung: "Braut fýsir
when some time had passed, then Auðun spoke with the king,

mik nú, herra" Konungr svarar heldr seint: "Hvar villtu þá," segir
I am eager to leave now, lord.” The king answers rather slowly, “Where
will you (go) then?” says he.

hann, "ef þú vill eigi með oss vera?" Hann segir, "Suðr vil ek
“if you will not stay with us?” He says, “South (on a pilgrimage) will
I go.

ganga." "Ef þú vildir eigi svá gott ráð taka", segir konungr, "þá
If you would not (under)take such a good purpose,” says
the king, “It

myndi mér fyrir þykkja í, er þú fýsisk í braut."

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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