From: xeon_ies
Message: 4827
Date: 2005-02-01
> Hi Xeon,
> "Heiti" (poetic names) for bows:
> Almr, dalr, bogi, (elm, dale, bow)
> ýr ok tvíviðr, (yew and two-wood)
> sveigr, glær ok þrymr, (bent, sea?, stretch?)
> sómr, skálgelmir. (honour/fitness, bowl-?)
> "Stinger" might be 'biti' or 'bítr', but these seem to be prefered
> for sword names. I don't know if there's a different word
> for "arch" that doen't mean "bow" as well, but 'bogi' seems to cover
> both. 'Dalr' must be from the curved shape of a valley, and perhaps
> by extension other curved things. I've read one theory about the
> name Heimdallr that relates it to this, in the sense of "horn"--and
> in Hervarar saga, the Huns are said to have horn-bows. So maybe
> that's the connection. Sveigr is related to the verb sveigja "bend
> [a bow]". Skál is a bowl--could that be a reference to the bow's
> curved shape too?
> 1) bogi/dalr/sveigr inn mikli (inn stóri).
> 2) undrbiti
> 3) biti inn efsti
> I don't know what -gelmir is. It occurs in a lot of mythological
> names. 'Gellr' means "shrieks, twangs" (gjalla "to shriek/twang")
> and is the word used for the noise of a bowstring, so maybe you
> could include that as one element: Undrgjalli, or something like
> that. Careful though: as we found out recently the Icelandic Hobbit
> translates Gollum as Gollnir!
> Not sure what 'sea' has to do with bows. Could there be a
> connection with similar words for "glistening, splendour"
> and "amber"?
> Llama Nom
> --- In, "xeon_ies" <xeon@...> wrote:
> >
> > Hi Llama!
> >
> > I've decided to adopt the names Dugvandill and Harmbrenna for the
> > sword names.
> > And one more thing in which I'm thinking of giving a name to Ull's
> bow
> > too. :-D
> >
> > What does the following words translates to?
> >
> > 1) "The Great Arch"
> > 2) "Wonderous Stinger"
> > 3) "Final stinger"
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Xeon.