From: Patricia
Message: 4816
Date: 2005-01-30
Sael Sarahwho wrote =[or more naturally: and never come back in my sight again!} Said SarahYes Sarah says Patricia I agree, di you see underneath the blue I wrote in Green( this might better be rendered as =Go away now at once, and keep out of my sight, for ever / there now I should have stuck to my second decision tee hee,Thank you so much Sarah for your constructive comments, I did hurry a bit, the results of part 9 might have gone to my head,gøra til is one of those verbal phrases which Gordon glosses as "to take the trouble"Yes Sarah thank you I'm going back over all the stuff I shall have time hopefully before we get part eleven I shall revise.The last time I ever remember enjoying something so much I was a brainy brat of eleven and learning Latin from one of the Nuns Sister Mary Aquinas she like to take all the most apt pupils, and as you once asked me "dont you just love languages" = Yes don't I justKveðjaPatricia Who has trouble with the -sk endings----- Original Message -----From: Sarah BowenSent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 9:22 PMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun part 10/feedback - PatriciaHi Patricia!This was very clearly translated again :-) Only one or two minor comments to hepta þat eða tálma, er maðr gørðisk til at foera mér gørsimiTo hinder or prevent this man from bringing me a treasuregøra til is one of those verbal phrases which Gordon glosses as "to take the trouble" So this would give us:to create difficulties or hinder a person who took the trouble to bring me a treasureThis then makes it easy to follow on with the past tense in "ok gaf fyrir alla eign"Ok þat væri makligt, at þú værir drepinn;And that should be fitting as thou shouldst be slainyou should be killed for what you didYes, actually your red version is grammatically more accurate.ór landinu - is from/out of the country (dative singular def article ending)ok koma aldri aptr síðan mér í augsýnThis is literally : and come never back again to me in sight- a good job jobbed!Cheers,Sarah.----- Original Message -----From: PatriciaSent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 2:57 PMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun part 10Sael Sarah,I pounced on this, after "Saturday Kitchen" (TV) boredom had set in, then I checked my PC and there you were with Auðun 10KveðjaPatriciaKonungr mælti: "Er þat satt, Áki, er hann segir?" "Satt er þat", segir hann.King Asks," Is it true as he says" "True it is" says heThe King asked "Is it true as he says" "It is true" he replied.Konungr mælti: "Ok þótti þér þat til liggja, þar sem ik settak þik mikinn mann,"And seemed to thee it is good?fair where-as I made thee a great man""And do you deem it just; because I made you a great manat hepta þat eða tálma, er maðr gørðisk til at foera mér gørsimito hinder or prevent this man (doing) this? to bring to me a treasureTo hinder or prevent this man from bringing me a treasureok gaf fyrir alla eign?and gif (for it) all that he ownedgiving all he possessed for it."Ok sá þat Haraldr konungr at ráði at láta hann fara í friði, ok er hann várr óvinr.And that Harald King in counsel (at lata) him travel (free) and he is enemyAnd King Harald thought it right to let him be free to go and He (Harald) is our enemyHygg þú at þá, hvé sannligt þat var þinnar handar!Think thou then how truly this was at thy handDo you think your actions were just (fair or true) I think Sweinn questions Aki's HonestyOk þat væri makligt, at þú værir drepinn;And that should be fitting as thou shouldst be slainyou should be killed for what you diden ek mun nú eigi þat gøra,but I will now not that to dobut I shall not do that nowen braut skaltu fara þegar ór landinu, ok koma aldri aptr síðan mér í augsýn."but away shalt thou travel at once from (?these lands) and come all time after in future to me the sightbut, you shall go now away from my Kingdom and for ever in the future, I shall not see you( this might better be rendered as =Go away now at once, and keep out of my sight, for ever.)I was hoping King Sweinn would be mad at Aki, because his actions had been disloyal, if he had helped Auðun he could have let Sweinn know and been rewardedIMnsHOPatricia----- Original Message -----From: Sarah BowenSent: Saturday, January 29, 2005 10:32 AMSubject: [norse_course] Auðun part 10Aki gets his come-uppance.Konungr mælti: "Er þat satt, Áki, er hann segir?" "Satt er þat", segir hann. Konungr mælti: "Ok þótti þér þat til liggja, þar sem ik settak þik mikinn mann, at hepta þat eða tálma, er maðr gørðisk til at foera mér gørsimi ok gaf fyrir alla eign? Ok sá þat Haraldr konungr at ráði at láta hann fara í friði, ok er hann várr óvinr. Hygg þú at þá, hvé sannligt þat var þinnar handar! Ok þat væri makligt, at þú værir drepinn; en ek mun nú eigi þat gøra, en braut skaltu fara þegar ór landinu, ok koma aldri aptr síðan mér í augsýn."I´ll respond to the postings as they come in this week, rather than waiting for everyone - that might be quicker.Kveðja,Sarah.
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