Re: [norse_course] Auðun - part 9/feedback Alan

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4800
Date: 2005-01-27

Attachments :

Hi Alan,
Sorry for the delay - it seems another weekend managed to sneak by me unnoticed :-)
Your translation was just fine - and yes, I agree that Gordon's gloss of "nú er þó á orðit mikit fyrir mér" doesn´t shed much light.
It seems that when you find "mikit" apparently without a noun to qualify it carries with it a negative connotation.  I´ve come across this before - e.g. in the Prologue to Gylfaginning line 11 where it says
ok svá mikit gerðist af því at þeir vildu eigi nefna guð
Here the implication is that so much bad stuff happened that...   Interestingly Anthony Faulkes translates this as "and this reached such a pass that..." so you are in very good company with your translation :-)
The verbal phrase e-m verða á means to make a mistake or blunder according to Zoega.  So it seems that Auðun feels he has made a very bad/great blunder in his negotiation with Aki.
----- Original Message -----
From: AThompson
Sent: Thursday, January 20, 2005 10:36 AM
Subject: RE: [norse_course] Auðun - part 9

Góðan daginn


Within this passage, my main concern was with deciphering / deconstructing ok nú er þó á orðit mikit fyrir mér” while Gordon’s glossary translation: ”now I have come into a great difficulty” is hardly helpful in this regard.





Translation: Auðun - 9


Konungr íhugaði, hverr þessi maðr myndi vera,

(The) king considered (contemplated), who this man would (might) be,


er hann kendi eigi, ok mælti síðan til Auðunar:

who he did not recognise, and (he) spoke then to Auðun:


'Hverr ertu?' segir hann.

’Who are you?’ he says.


Hann svarar: 'Ek em Íslenzkr maðr, herra',

He answers: ’I am an Icelandic man, Lord’,


segir hann, 'ok kominn nú útan af Grœnlandi,

He says, ’and come now (lately) from abroad from Greenland,


ok nú af Nóregi, ok ætlaðak at fœra yðr bjarndýr þetta.

and (just) now from Norway, and I intended to bring you this bear.


Keyptak þat með allri eigu minni,

I bought that with all my possessions,


ok nú er þó á orðit mikit fyrir mér;

and now however, (it) is come to pass greatly (severely) for me;


ek á nú hálft eitt dýrit',

I now own (only) one half of the animal,


ok segir konungi síðan hversu farit hafði með þeim Áka ármanni hans.

and says to (the) king how (it) had gone between them (he and) Áki his steward.



-----Original Message-----
From: Sarah Bowen [mailto:sarahbowen@...]
Saturday, 15 January 2005 8:54 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun - part 9


Auðun meets King Sveinn


Konungr íhugaði, hverr þessi maðr myndi vera, er hann kendi eigi, ok mælti síðan til Auðunar: "Hverr ertu?" segir hann.  Hann svarar:  "Ek em Íslenzkr maðr, herra", segir hann, "ok kominn nú útan af Groenlandi, ok nú af Nóregi, ok ætlaðak at foera yðr bjarndýr þetta.  Keyptak þat með allri eigu minni, ok nú er þó á ordðit mikit fyrir mér; ek á nú hálft eitt dýrit", ok segir konungi síðan hversu farit hafði með þeim Áka ármanni hans.

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