From: llama_nom
Message: 4764
Date: 2005-01-15
>Curious: no, I don't how you would suggest that in a simple way in
> Þorsteinn vissi ekki hvað orðið var af honum.
> - Þ. didn't know what had become of him.
> Þorsteinn vissi ekki hvað orðið væri af honum.
> - Þ. didn't know what had become of him.
> The last two do not have the exact same meaning
> but I'm not sure how to convey the difference in English.
> The second version seems to me to imply more uncertainty.
> The first one may imply that whereas Þ. doesn't know
> what has become of the fellow WE KNOW - or something
> like that.
> I still haven't done much syntax/semantics (or whereverI could do with a basic introduction to syntax: I keep finding
> one thinks about stuff like this) at the University so
> I'm not on solid ground here.
>Oh yes, sorry: 'verðir' rather than 'verðr'; 'sitir' rather
> > The 2nd person singular forms
> > are the same as indicative, of course:
> For some verbs, like 'byggja'.
> > Læt ek þat verða um mælt, at þú verðir at inni ljótustutröllkonu ok
> > hverfir norðr til Gandvíkr ok byggir þar afhelli ok sitir þar íok
> > stóðrenni við Hrímni, bróður minn, ok eigizt þit við bæði margt
> > illt, ok hafi þat verr, sem verr herðir sik.woman
> >
> > This do I solemnly say, that you turn into the most ugly troll-
> > and go north to Gandvik (the White Sea) and live there in a side-much
> > cave next door to my brother Hrimnir, and you will argue both
> > and hard, and...Ah that might make a bit more sense. Could it be something
> >
> > I'm a bit puzzled by the last line. herða sik "harden oneself,
> > steel oneself, take heart". She seems to be saying, "may it go
> > worst for whoever steels themselves the most." But this doesn't
> > make a great deal of sense to me yet.
> This is puzzling to me too. I wouldn't think 'verr'
> should be rendered as 'most'; it may mean the reverse.
> Here's a subjunctive for you:Not a very successful one though, if I remember right! A lesson to
> Hjálpi æsir
> ok ásynjur,
> gervöll regin,
> gyðju sinni.