Re: [norse_course] Auðun 7

From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4735
Date: 2005-01-11

Hi Grace and a happy new year to you!

Plus a thousand apologies for taking sooooo long to get back to you on your

No I don't think this text is any easier than Hrafnkel, I just think we are
gradually getting a bit more competent :-)

A couple of minor comments for you -
"en ek vilda þó",
“but I will though,”

vilda is the past tense indicative form of vilja - to will (in the sense of
'desire something to happen'), to want, to intend.

til konungs fundar
until the kings meeting

This would be easier to follow if it read "til fundar konungs". In English
we would say until the meeting with the king.

at dýrit mun deyja fyrir þér
that the beast may die in your hands ?

Yes, literally before you or in front of you!

Well done! I hope you enjoyed doing it - if you can remember back that far!
I will post up the next few lines and promise to get back into the normal
rhythm again.

Take care,

----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred and Grace Hatton" <hatton@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 6:36 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun 7

> Is it my imagination or is this text a bit easier than Hrafnkel?
> Áki lézk selja mundu honum vistir, ef hann vildi. Auðun kvezk ekki til
> Áki would cause to happen to sell him provisions, if he wished. Auðun
> said he had nothing to
> hafa fyrir at gefa; "en ek vilda þó", segir hann "at þetta kvæmisk til
> give for it, “but I will though,” he said, “that it comes
> leiðar at ek mætta dýrit foera konungi." "Ek mun fá þér vistir, sem
> to pass that I may bring the beast to the king.” “I will get you
> provisions as
> it þurfuð, til konungs fundar; en þar í móti vil ek eiga hálft dýrit.
> you need, until the kings meeting, but in return I will own half the
> Ok máttu á þat líta, at dýrit mun deyja fyrir þér, þars it þurfuð
> And may you take it into consideration, that the beast may die in your
> hands ? you need
> vistir miklar, en fé sé farit, ok er búit við at þú hafir þá ekki
> much (in) provisions, but the money is gone, and which may be that you
> have then no animal.
> dýrsins."
> Grace
> --
> Fred & Grace Hatton
> Hawley, Pa.
> A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
> Homepage:
> To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an e-mail to:
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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