From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4735
Date: 2005-01-11
----- Original Message -----
From: "Fred and Grace Hatton" <hatton@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, December 06, 2004 6:36 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun 7
> Is it my imagination or is this text a bit easier than Hrafnkel?
> Áki lézk selja mundu honum vistir, ef hann vildi. Auðun kvezk ekki til
> Áki would cause to happen to sell him provisions, if he wished. Auðun
> said he had nothing to
> hafa fyrir at gefa; "en ek vilda þó", segir hann "at þetta kvæmisk til
> give for it, “but I will though,” he said, “that it comes
> leiðar at ek mætta dýrit foera konungi." "Ek mun fá þér vistir, sem
> to pass that I may bring the beast to the king.” “I will get you
> provisions as
> it þurfuð, til konungs fundar; en þar í móti vil ek eiga hálft dýrit.
> you need, until the kings meeting, but in return I will own half the
> Ok máttu á þat líta, at dýrit mun deyja fyrir þér, þars it þurfuð
> And may you take it into consideration, that the beast may die in your
> hands ? you need
> vistir miklar, en fé sé farit, ok er búit við at þú hafir þá ekki
> much (in) provisions, but the money is gone, and which may be that you
> have then no animal.
> dýrsins."
> Grace
> --
> Fred & Grace Hatton
> Hawley, Pa.
> A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
> Homepage:
> To escape from this funny farm try rattling off an e-mail to:
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