búa um

From: llama_nom
Message: 4718
Date: 2005-01-05

I wonder if anyone could help me with this sentence?

Hann var rammr at afli ok fullhugi hinn mesti ok bjó þó mjök einn um
sitt. (Gríms saga loðinkinna).

"He was strong in body and very daring, but..."

Zoega has búa um sik / búask um "make one's own bed, make oneself
comfortable, camp". So could it mean "he often camped alone"
or "slept alone"? But I can't specifically find: búa um sitt.

Búa um (some definitions from Zoega and C&V) "put a fence around;
fence and thatch; dress (a wound); brood over, plot; arrange, sort
out; make someone's bed; pack/wrap up".

Could it be then that Grim did a lot of brooding on his own? Surely
it can't be just that he did a liked to put up fences on his own, or
did a lot of solitary wrapping things up! Or could it mean that
he "took care of his own affairs"? Except that ok...þó seems to
imply a contrast with the conventional heroic qualities mentioned.
The context is just a summing up of his character at the end of the

Llama Nom

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