From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4708
Date: 2005-01-04
----- Original Message -----From: Andrew HigginsSent: Sunday, January 02, 2005 2:46 PMSubject: [norse_course] Working My Way through E.V. Gordon's Old Norse
Greetings Old Norse Group
Happy New Year. I have worked through the lessons on
the site which are really good and much appreciated.
I am now starting on E.V. Gordon's Introduction to Old
Norse starting with the Selections from the Edda's .
More at the translating not reading stage so doing a
written translation of it. Would be good to hear of
anyones experiences with the Gordon text. Also
picked up for £3 at Foyles in London Anthony Faulkes
Stories from the Saga of the Kings (text and notes) -
these are short stories (thattr) that were appended to
some of the large sagas.
Hoping to be a more active of this group in the coming
Best for the New Year!
Andy Higgins
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