From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4663
Date: 2004-12-05
----- Original Message -----From: PatriciaSent: Monday, November 29, 2004 10:56 PMSubject: Re: [norse_course] Auðun - 6Auðun part 6Hann ferr nú, siðan, suð með landiHe went now his way south along the landsHe travelled / made his way southwards along the coastok i Vik austr ok þa til Danmerkrand the Vik east amd then? to Denmarkand Vik in the east thence to Denmarkok er þá uppi jverr penningr fjarins okand *() then used which coinage for trasvel andand he had used the money he had kept for travelverðr hann þá biðja matar bæði Fyrir sik og fyrir dýritworth he that begged provision both given him and given bear(food?) he then begged for provisions for himself and the bearHann kømr á fund ármanns Sveins konungrs þess er Aki hethe came to meet King Swein's steward, a man Aki namedhe happened to meet king Sweins steward a man called Akiok bað hann vista nakkvarra bæði fyrir sik og fyrir dýritand asked he lodge somewhere begged food for him and bearand asked for a place to stay, begging food for himself and his bear"ek ætla" segir hann "at gefa Sveini konungi dýritI plan say he to give King Swein this animal"I plan " said he to give King Swein this bearWhen they said Bjarndýrit in the beginning I could see from bjarn it was a bear, but when they put dýrit I see that as animal, as if every four legged item is a dýrit, nevertheless, I seem to be getting to grips with it, I think I've done OK, hope soPatriciaWith Thankswhen I get those books I'll let you know, for I shall hopefully do better.----- Original Message -----From: Sarah BowenSent: Sunday, November 28, 2004 1:47 PMSubject: [norse_course] Auðun - 6Here comes the next installment! Enjoy :-)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Hann ferr nú síðan suðr með landi ok í Vík austr ok þá til Danmerkr, ok er þá uppi hverr penningr fjárins, ok verðr hann þá biðja matar bæði fyrir sik og fyrir dýrit. Hann kømr á fund ármanns Sveins konungs, þess er Áki hét, ok bað hann vista nakkvarra bæði fyrir sik og fyrir dýrit: "ek ætla" segir hann, "at gefa Sveini konungi dýrit."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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