translantion section 4

From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 4624
Date: 2004-11-16

Konungr mælti: "Villtu selja oss dýrit við slíku verði sem þú keyptir?"
The king said, “Will you sell us the animal in exhange for the same
value as you bought (it)?”

Hann svarar: "Eigi vil ek þat, herra." "Villtu þá," segir konungr,
He answered, “I will not (do) that, Lord.” “Will you,” said the king,

"at ek gefa þér tvau verð slík? ok mun þat réttara, ef þú hefir þar við
“that I give you twice such value, and may that put right (compensate?)
since you have there for it

gefit alla þína eigu." "Eigi vil ek þat, herra", segir hann. Konungr
given all your possessions.” “I will not (do) that, Lord,” he said.
The king

mælti: "Villtu gefa mér þá?" Hann svarar, "Eigi, herra." Konungr
spoke, “Will you give it to me?” He answered, “No, Lord.” The King

mælti: "Hvat villtu þá af gøra?" Hann svarar: "Fara," segir hann,
spoke, “What will you do with it?” He answered, “ Go,” he said,

"til Denmerkr ok gefa Sveini konungi." Haraldr konungr segir, "Hvárt
“to Denmark and give (it) to King Svein.” King Harald said, “Can it be

er, at þú ert maðr svá óvitr at þú hefir eigi heyrt ófrið þann er í
that you are so ignorant a man, that you have not heard of the war which

milli er landa þessa, eða ætlar þú giptu þína svá mikla, at þú munir
between these countries, and you expect your luck (to be) so great, that
you may

þar komask með gørsimar, er aðrir fá eigi komizk klakklaust, þó at
arrive there with the treasure, when others are not able to arrive
without injury, even if

nauðsyn eigi til?"
(they) have of necessity ??”



Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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