From: llama_nom
Message: 4597
Date: 2004-11-11
> Thanks for the explanation and the links.
> If Zoega is less likely to sink my long ship, what makes the
> Dictionary more likely to sink my long ship? :-)Mass.
> > One advantage to Zoega is that it distinguishes certain vowels --no
> > <æ> from <oe>, and <ø> from <ö> -- which later fell together.
> >
> > One very minor trouble is that it is sometimes a little
> inconsistent
> > in ordering letters. Usually, short vowels come before the
> > corresponding long vowels, but I've occasionally met pages where
> > separation is made. Not a huge problem though.
> >
> > One boon: Zoega is less likely to sink your longship.
> >
> > Llama Nom
> >
> > PS. Some Norse dictionaries online:
> >
> >
> > PHPSESSID=2bc83bc631bdf9aac06c4039ba979f8b
> >
> >
> >