From: Sarah Bowen
Message: 4554
Date: 2004-11-02
----- Original Message -----From: Dirk HowatSent: Tuesday, November 02, 2004 6:33 PMSubject: [norse_course] Re: Feedback on Audun´s tale - 2nd section/Dirk
Hi Sarah,
WOW! You are great. High quality suggestions.
Thanks to your help, I am going to give it another try :)
Ok nú fara þeir útan heðan, ok fersk þeim vel,
Now, they traveled hence and they fared well.
(many times ok does not literally mean and but rather a transition
to another phrase. So I will not include it. I translated fara not
as fare or went, went would be gegen or something, but instead used
travel. Literally, "Now they fared hence and they fared well."
ok var Auðun of vetrinn eptir með Þóri stýrimanni;
and Audin was left with Thor the steersmen for the winter;
(Thanks, Sarah on this one)
hann átti bú á Moeri
he lived at Moeri
Ok um sumarit eptir fara þeir út til Groenlands,
And the summer after, they traveled out to Greenland,
ok eru þar of vetrinn.
and are there for the winter.
Þess er við getit,
About this is told,
at Auðun kaupir þar bjarndýri eitt,
that Audin bought there a bearskin.
gørsimi mikla,
which he treasured much.
ok gaf fyrir alla eigu sína.
and gave all of his possesions for it.
Ok nú of sumarit eptir fara þeir aptr til Nóregs, ok verða vel
And now the following summer, they traveled back to Norway and were
well traveled.
A Norse funny farm, overrun by smart people.
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