Re: [norse_course] Auðun 2

From: pdhanssen@...
Message: 4518
Date: 2004-10-31

"eitt" means "one",
and it's neuter (hvorugkyn)
because (af því að) "dýr" is neuter.
The only bears found in Greenland are polar bears.
I hope this helps.
In a message dated 10/31/2004 5:57:55 AM Pacific Standard Time, originalpatricia@... writes:
Hey Grace,
I am not familiar witht the verbs yet, but fersk þeim vel, your translation sounds right, eptir then means following, yes it sounds like our after (æfter) in Old English, Yes I think you must be right, with eitt being white, for the polarbears were perhaps a rare thing, must have been only a cub,I am trying to estimate the havoc that could be caused if a healthy grown up Bear of any color would cause on a Viking craft,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2004 12:33 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Auðun 2

Ok nú fara þeir útan heðan, ok fersk þeim vel, ok var Auðun of vetrinn
And now they sail out from here, and it goes well with them, and A.
stayed over

eptir með Þóri stýrimanni; hann átti bú á Moeri.  Ok um sumarit eptir
the following winter with Þóri the steersman, he had a farm at Moeri.
And in the following summer

fara þeir út til Groenlands, ok eru þar of vetrinn.  Þess er við getit,
they sail out to Greenland, and stayed there over the winter.  Of that
which he obtains,(made it possible?)

at Auðun kaupir þar bjarndýri eitt, gørsimi mikla, ok gaf fyrir alla
to A. to buy there a bear ?, a great treasure, and gave for (it) all his

eigu sína.  Ok nú of sumarit eptir fara þeir aptr til Nóregs, ok verða
vel reiðfara.

And now over the following summer they sail back to Norway, and had a
good passage.

I imagine eitt means white since I have read the story in English, but
couldn't find it even in Zoega.

Fred & Grace Hatton
Hawley, Pa.

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