I am working on  a translation of a passage in Skaldskaparmal as a part of my thesis, and while revising it I found out somethng that does not match with my dictionaries but it does with scolarship.
It is in the plece where where Odin is escaping from Hnitbjorg after stealing the mead of poetry.
Ok, he assumed the eagle shae and then the Snorri tells us that
spýtti han upp miðinum í kerin
now, if i am not wrong the verb is spýta (to spit) and not spýja (to vomit).
Both Fritzner and Cleasby agree on this verb having only this meaning. But it is ussually assumed that he vomited the mead instead of just spitting it.
Does anyone know what is going on with this translation? In his glossary to SnE Faulkes says that spýta upp means "to vomit", but none of the other dictioaries provide examples of this particular use of the word.
Takk a lot.
Fernando Guerrero