Hi Laurel, Grace, Haukur, Thomas and anyone else who wants to join in!
Here are the first few lines of this þáttr.  If you would prefer them sent as an email attachment in future, just let me know.  Please also say if this is too long and therefore off-putting - we want this to be fun! :-)
ps.. apologies for the lack of a "hooked o".  Where you see, ö just read it as a "hooked o".
Please feel free to post your translations when it suits you.  I won´t get back to you before next weekend [23rd/24th Oct] but if you want to post yours later, that's fine by me - I will still get back to you.
Maðr hét Auðun, vestfirzkr at kyni ok félítill.  Hann fór útan vestr þar í fjörðum með umráði Þorsteins bónda góðs, ok Þóris stýrimanns, er þar hafði þegit vist of vetrinn með Þorsteini.  Auðun var ok þar, ok starfaði fyrir honum Þóri, ok þá þessi laun af honum, útanferðina ok hans umsjá.  Hann Auðun lagði mestan hluta fjár, þess er var, fyrir móður sína, áðr hann stigi á skip, ok var kveðit á þriggja vetra björg.