One thing to keep in mind is that "áss" and "Æsinir" would
be words used to refer to the Aesir...which leaves out the
Vanir. Just a thought from a fellow Heithinn.
Pádraic I.M. MacUidhir
Direktor der Archive,
Forschung Verwalter,
und der Verlag-Manager
für die Northvegr Foundation
--- In, "Tamara" <sharraunna@...> wrote:
> Hail!
> I'm trying to translate "We are here to honor the gods" into Old Norse.
> I have a start, I think, with "Erum hér," but I don't know the verb
> for "to honor."
> Also, I'm not certain on the declension of "áss." "Æsinir" doesn't
> seem quite right. Any help would be appreciated.
> Health and wealth,
> ~~Tara