Hi Luba!
Lovely to have a newcomer on board!  The texts we're translating from get posted every couple of months.  You can go back and look at previous postings to have a look.  Alternatively, you can get the text for Hrafnkel's Saga from E V Gordon's An Introduction to Old Norse (ISBN 0-19-811184-3)
I've been silent for a few months now due to other pressures, but I'm going to try to catch up a bit!
Good luck,
----- Original Message -----
From: lubaamikoj2
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Saturday, May 22, 2004 9:03 AM
Subject: [norse_course] new member

Hello everybody!
I've joined the group only recently. Where can I find the resource
you're translating to join?

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