Here's my mainly literal translation of Hrafnkel ll225-249.
225. Þorbjörn mælti þá mörg herfilig orð til bróður síns
Þorbjõrn spoke then many bitter words to his brother
ok segir því síðr dáð í honum sem meira lægi við.
and says “in this (matter there was) less courage in him as more depended on (it).”
Hann ríðr nú í brott, ok skiljask þeir með lítilli blíðu.
He (Þorbjõrn) rides now away, and they part with little friendliness.
Hann léttir eigi, fyrr en hann kemr ofan til Leikskála, drepr þar á dyrr.
He does not stop, before he comes down to Leikskálar, knocks there on (the) door.
Var þar til dura gengit.
(Someone) there was gone to (the) door (pl). (ie answered the door)
Þorbjörn biðr Sám út ganga.
Þorbjõrn asks Sám to go out (step outside)
Sámr heilsaði vel frænda sínum ok bauð honum þar at vera.
Sám greeted his kinsman well and offered/invited to him to be (stay) there.
Þorbjörn tók því öllu seint.
Þorbjõrn took (accepted) all this slowly (coldly).
Sámr sér ógleði á Þorbirni ok spyrr tíðenda,
Sám sees unhappiness in Þorbjõrn and asks for tidings,
en hann sagði víg Einars, sonar síns.
but he spoke of his son Einar’s slaying.
'Þat eru eigi mikil tíðendi', segir Sámr, 'þótt Hrafnkell drepi menn.'
’That is not great news,’ says Sám, ‘even if Hrafnkel kill (subj) people.’
Þorbjörn spyrr, ef Sámr vildi nökkura liðveizlu veita sér.
Þorbjõrn asks, if Sám wanted to give to him some support.
'Er þetta mál þann veg, þótt mér sé nánastr maðrinn,
’This case is in that way (such that), even if the most closely related man be me (dat),
at þó er yðr eigi fjarri höggvit.'
that still (the blow) is not struck further from you.’
'Hefir þú nökkut eptir soemðum leitat við Hrafnkel?'
’Have you in any way sought after redress (compensation) with Hrafnkel?’
Þorbjörn sagði allt it sanna, hversu farit hafði með þeim Hrafnkeli.
Þorbjõrn said completely the truth, how (it) had fared between them, (he and) Hrafnkel.
'Eigi hefi ek varr orðit fyrr', segir Sámr,
’I have not become aware before,’ says Sám,
'at Hrafnkell hafi svá boðit nökkurum sem þér.
’that Hrafnkel has so (in this way) offered to anyone as (he has) to you.
Nú vil ek ríða með þér upp á Aðalból,
Now I want to ride with you up to Aðalból,
ok förum vit lítillátliga at við Hrafnkel,
and we (two) (will) proceed humbly with Hrafnkel,
ok vita, ef hann vill halda in sömu boð.
and to find out, if he wants to maintain the same offer.
Mun honum nökkurn veg vel fara.'
(It) may go well with him in some way.’**
'Þat er bæði', segir Þorbjörn, 'at Hrafnkell mun nú eigi vilja,
’There is both,’ says Þorbjõrn, ‘that Hrafnkell will now not (no longer) want (to maintain the offer),
enda er mér þat nú eigi heldr í hug en þá, er ek reið þaðan.'
moreover, that (ie accepting the offer) is now to me not more** in (my) mind than then, when I rode from there.’
Sámr segir: 'Þungt get ek at deila kappi við Hrafnkel um málaferli.'
Sám says: ’With difficulty, I am able to contend in competition with Hrafnkel concerning lawsuits.’
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