The reason is that the Jamtlandic lessons are based on the Old Norse
Course lessons, i.e. I have copied lots of stuff without permission
(sorry Haukur!) and then just filled in Jamtlandic (kind of arcane
and "reconstructed" form of Jamtlandic). I feel that since people
have found out my "secret" project, I must terminate it. Yes, you
could've guessed, I am the Terminator.

I am thinking of starting up a more serious course on Jamtlandic, but
I have been saying this for four years...

Currently, Estonian Norse - historically a branch of Gutnish - is the
most fascinating language to me. One dialect is spoken in
Gammalsvenskby, Ucraine - .
They where moved there by force from Dagey (Gut. Dagoy, Swe. Dagö,
Est. Hiiuma) - . They are actually taught
Swedish there today: .

A poem in a dialect of Estonian Norse by Mats Ekman, Rickul (here's a
map over the Norse speaking areas of Estonia including Rickul: - Dagey is the
largest island):


Ja minns han fagor tien, tå allt var vålde stort; å kund ja än få
si'en, håla skulld ja rät ha gjord?
Tä fagor mårja våre mä sina fagor sol! Så mike kutra orre, så fagort
göcken gol.
Om måren daningstien håla ljuder herd ja tå, tå boskan gick ör bien å
far min gick ut så!

Huft opp från aleskåtan ja herd grantålkens prat, å många gång fråm
Nåtan ja herd "Krät-krät krat-krat".
Hå fagror var änt skoen e sina ljusgren färg! Så fagrort svalla roen,
allt blomskast, dal å berg.
Å gick ja ut längs Stråte, oxkern sjongd så gällt. Han sjongd tär
hela nåte färe sina bru så snällt.

Hån fagor Harbo vike å Pårsmå rännalns fall! E vike späla sike, ver
rännaln gick ja vall.
Tär herd ja lärkjar sjonga, tår drilla daen gärm. Svartstårona mä
onga tär vistast mångan svärm.
Man bäst å derast minne, som ja änt bort kan glaim, ä mor mä sitt go
sinne å mina båndomshaim.

It is kind of close to Norse spoken in Southern Finland, obviously.


--- In, erek gass <egass@...> wrote:
> Guess some of us may be curious why someone on a list devoted to
sharing information would "unshare" it. Some of us find the subjects
of Dalska, Jamtish, Gutnish, asf, fascinating.
> Erek
> --- "sjuler" <sjuler@...> wrote:
> I have deleted (or at least intentionally hidden) the
> Jamtlandic course now. Sorry.
> BTW, have you heard these Gutnish songs?
> Not the best recording quality, but good enough. Note that I have
> applied a slightly modified Propago spelling for the texts. (For
> example, they don't use 'á' for long 'a' and they don't like '-g'
> and '-d' endings where etymology says '-k' and '-t', respectively)
> Regards,
> /Siúrdar (i.e. 'Sjuler')
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