> don't even try this discussion, it leads straight to instant doom...
Berglaug is entirely right. The whole theme of Celts in Iceland is a
Discussion of Doom. This was much debated in the 20th century.
My great-grandfather, for example, wrote a book - Íslenda - purporting
to proof a massive Celtic presence here before the Norsemen came, conveniently
swept under the rug by oral tradition and historians like Ari fróði.
From Íslenda on Íslendingabók:
"[Þ]egar búið er að skoða bókina á sama hátt og hér hefur verið
gert, þá líta þessar 20 blaðsíður út eins og barnastíll í 12-13
ára bekk, og endar líka í þeim barnaskap höf. að rekja ætt sína í
gegnum alla Noregskonunga til Óðins, sem engin nútíma fræði munu þó
byggja á né telja annað en markleysu."
@: "When the book has been viewed as has been done here then those 20
pages look like something a 12 or 13 year old child might write
at school - and it ends in the author's childishness to trace his
lineage through all the kings of Norway to Óðinn, which no modern
scholarship will base anything on nor consider to be anything but non-sense."