Sorry Richard, but there is no Old Norse bible ;) The bible was
never translated in Old Norse. Bible translations appeared in the
different scandinavian languages in the 16th century. The Swedish
version is, I think, the oldest, but they are all from about the
same time (+/-30 years or so). However, if you extract the loose
paraphrases of New Testament sentences found in other old texts, you
end up with about 1/3 of the New Testament in loose Old Norse, or so
I have heard from an expert in this field. There does exist a loose
translation and running commentary on the earlier parts of the Old
Testament in a manuscript called Stjórn, but it is not a translation
in the true sense of the word. The only church which translated the
Bible into a germanic language prior to the reformation is the Arian
church, to which Goths, Vandals and other east germanics belonged.
Thus, the earliest germanic Bible is the Arian translation, which
was made in the 4th cent. into Gothic by the Arian bishop Wulfila.
If church history is not your specialty, here are some basics about
Arian Christianity: 1) bishop Arius was the main early leader, hence
the name 2) it agrees with copts, and I believe, nestorians in that
it rejects the trinity 3) it is an 'orthodox' church that predates
the Nichean council of 325 AD, where the 'arian' bishops were in the
minority against the 'catholic' ones about the christian creed.
Constantine favored the 'catholic' position and the empire became a
'catholic' one. Both the eastern 'orthodox' and western 'catholic'
churches are 'catholic' churches based on the Nicean creed and both
descend from the church adopted by Constantine in 325. The Arians,
however, continued as a separate church for centuries. Their brand
of Christianity was deemed a heresy and labelled 'the arian heresy'
after the ancient chief bishop of their church. Arian Christians
were very active in converting early germanic peoples and virtually
all germanic Christians were Arians and east germanic by descent for
many centuries, largely Vandals, Gepids, Goths and the like.
--- In, "richard" <kaunas4@...> wrote:
> Dear Members,
> Would any members be able to advise me if the Old Norse
> Bible is on line at any Web Site.
> Thanks,
> Richard