Dear All
I am preparing materials for a course I hope to run
on local/regional history and the development of the English Language over the
last 1500 years. As part of this course I want to show how the English
vocabulary has been affected by Latin, Greek and Old Norse to such
an extent that if the words derived from these languages were suddenly
to disappear from our lexicon, we would find it impossible to speak or write
in modern English.
For people who have no knowledge of any language
other than English, I need a text common to all lanuages mentioned above to
show how much of the vocabulary of each has been incorporated one over the
centuries, one way or another, into English. I think the most familiar
text will be the Lord's prayer - 'Our father which art in
heaven'......etc. I have copies of these in Old English, Latin and Greek but not
in Old Norse. Could any of our Scandinavian colleagues oblige by sending this
text through the e-mail?
I would be very grateful.