Re: next part of Hrafenkell

From: xigung
Message: 4082
Date: 2004-01-21

Hi Fred and Grace,
It is really nice that you guys are so eager
at translating! Because I think it is a really
useful excercise, also for those who just read
the translations, who will pick up many points
that would otherwise have escaped them.

At first reading there are many things that are
unclear to me. But after reading your contribution,
the text is a lot clearer to me. In the present case
I think I can contribute regarding two points. See below:

--- In, Fred and Grace Hatton
<hatton@...> wrote:
> I had trouble with a couple of things although the sense was generally
> clear to me. What is the infinitive of the form reiztu? I realize it
> is the second person pronoun attached at the end.

Reading text + your translation below, I found that, according
to my understanding, "reiztu" simply means 'did you ride?".
So the infinitive form you are looking for is "riða" (to ride)
to ride, I ride, I rode, we rode, I have ridden.̈́
ríða, ek ríð, ek reið, vér riðum, ek hef riðit.

By extension to the 2nd person, we have you rode = þú reið++
For the ending ++ observe the following rule:
"præteritum indicative: If the 1st sg. ends with a -ð,
then the oldest 2nd sg. ended -tt (from -ðt), later
frequently -zt, or, not infrequently, in accordance
with the 1st sg. -ðt. For example batt, bazt after bað
I bade. reitt, reiðt after reið I rode."( Noreen p. 182 )

> 'Hvat mun garprinn vilja, er hann er heim kominn?'
> "What can the gallant fellow intend, that he is come home?"
> segir Hrafnkell. 'Eigi mun þat góðu gegna.'
> said Hrafenkell. "That cannot bode well."
> Síðan gekk hann út ok sér Freyfaxa ok mælti við hann:
> Then he went out and saw Freyfaxa and spoke to him:
> 'Illa þykkir mér, at þú ert þann veg til gõrr, fóstri minn,
> "It seems evil to me that your are treated thus, my foster son,
> en heima hafðir þú vit þitt, er þú sagðir mér til,
> but at home you have wits ??( I found this confusing) when you told me
> about (it)
> ok skal þessa hefnt verða. Far þú til liðs þíns.'
> and this shall be avenged. Go now to your mares."
> En hann gekk þegar upp eptir dalnum til stóðs síns.
> And he went at once up along the valley to his mares.
> Hrafnkell ferr í rekkju sína um kveldit
> Hrafnkell went to his bed that night
> ok svaf af um nóttina.
> and slept through the night.
> En um morguninn lét hann taka sér hest
> And the next morning he had his horse caught
> ok leggja á sõðul ok ríðr upp til sels.
> and saddled and rode up to the sheiling.
> Hann ríðr í blám klæðum.
> He rode in blue/black clothing.
> Øxi hafði hann í hendi, en ekki fleira vápna.
> He had an ax in hand, but no more weapons.
> Þá hafði Einarr nýrekit fé í kvíar.
> (By)Then Einarr had the newly driven animals in the sheepfold.
> Hann lá á kvíagarðinum ok talði fé,
> He lay on the sheepfold wall and counted livestock,
> en konur váru at mjólka.
> and the women were busy at milking.
> Þau heilsuðu honum.
> They greeted him.
> Hann spurði, hversu þeim fori (foeri) at.
> He asked, how it was going with them.
> Einarr svarar: 'Illa hefir mér at farit,
> Einarr answered: "Something bad happened to me,
> því at vant varð þriggja tiga ásauðar nær viku,
> because thirty ewes were missing nearly a week,
> en nú er fundinn.'
> but now are found."
> Hann kvazk ekki at slíku telja.
> He didn't speak to object at such.
> 'Eða hefir ekki verr at farit?
> "But has not worse happened?"
> Hefir þat ok ekki svá opt til borit sem ván hefir at verit,
> It has and not so often to ( also had trouble with this ?)as was to
> been expected,
> at fjárins hafi vant verit.
> that the livestock have been missing.
> En hefir þú ekki nõkkut riðit Freyfaxa mínum hinn fyrra dag?'
> But have you not at all ridden my Freyfaxa there for a day?"

Although "fyrra [dag]" sounds similar to English 'for a [day]',
the word "fyrra" is not a preposition, but an adjective.
It means '[the day] before'.
"hinn fyrra dag" = the day before yesterday.
fyrri = a comparative adjective.
hinn fyrra dag = acc. sg.
The comparative adjective fyrra has the weak declination.

Best regards

> Hann kvezk eigi þræta þess mega.
> He said he could not deny it.
> Hrafnkell svarar: 'Fyrir hví reiztu þessu hrossi,
> Hrafenkell answered: "Why (? Couldn't figure out the verb) did you get
> up ? on this horse,
> er þér var bannat, þar er hin váru nóg til,
> which was forbidden to you, although there were enough
> er þér var lofat?
> which were permitted to you?
> Þar munda ek hafa gefit þér upp eina sõk,
> Seeing that I would have given you one offense,
> ef ek hefða eigi svá mikit um mælt,
> if I had not so much spoken about it,
> en þó hefir þú vel við gengit.'
> Even though you have readily confessed."
> --
> Fred & Grace Hatton
> Hawley, Pa.

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