From: xigung
Message: 4082
Date: 2004-01-21
> I had trouble with a couple of things although the sense was generallyReading text + your translation below, I found that, according
> clear to me. What is the infinitive of the form reiztu? I realize it
> is the second person pronoun attached at the end.
> 'Hvat mun garprinn vilja, er hann er heim kominn?'
> "What can the gallant fellow intend, that he is come home?"
> segir Hrafnkell. 'Eigi mun þat góðu gegna.'
> said Hrafenkell. "That cannot bode well."
> Síðan gekk hann út ok sér Freyfaxa ok mælti við hann:
> Then he went out and saw Freyfaxa and spoke to him:
> 'Illa þykkir mér, at þú ert þann veg til gõrr, fóstri minn,
> "It seems evil to me that your are treated thus, my foster son,
> en heima hafðir þú vit þitt, er þú sagðir mér til,
> but at home you have wits ??( I found this confusing) when you told me
> about (it)
> ok skal þessa hefnt verða. Far þú til liðs þíns.'
> and this shall be avenged. Go now to your mares."
> En hann gekk þegar upp eptir dalnum til stóðs síns.
> And he went at once up along the valley to his mares.
> Hrafnkell ferr í rekkju sína um kveldit
> Hrafnkell went to his bed that night
> ok svaf af um nóttina.
> and slept through the night.
> En um morguninn lét hann taka sér hest
> And the next morning he had his horse caught
> ok leggja á sõðul ok ríðr upp til sels.
> and saddled and rode up to the sheiling.
> Hann ríðr í blám klæðum.
> He rode in blue/black clothing.
> Øxi hafði hann í hendi, en ekki fleira vápna.
> He had an ax in hand, but no more weapons.
> Þá hafði Einarr nýrekit fé í kvíar.
> (By)Then Einarr had the newly driven animals in the sheepfold.
> Hann lá á kvíagarðinum ok talði fé,
> He lay on the sheepfold wall and counted livestock,
> en konur váru at mjólka.
> and the women were busy at milking.
> Þau heilsuðu honum.
> They greeted him.
> Hann spurði, hversu þeim fori (foeri) at.
> He asked, how it was going with them.
> Einarr svarar: 'Illa hefir mér at farit,
> Einarr answered: "Something bad happened to me,
> því at vant varð þriggja tiga ásauðar nær viku,
> because thirty ewes were missing nearly a week,
> en nú er fundinn.'
> but now are found."
> Hann kvazk ekki at slíku telja.
> He didn't speak to object at such.
> 'Eða hefir ekki verr at farit?
> "But has not worse happened?"
> Hefir þat ok ekki svá opt til borit sem ván hefir at verit,
> It has and not so often to ( also had trouble with this ?)as was to
> been expected,Although "fyrra [dag]" sounds similar to English 'for a [day]',
> at fjárins hafi vant verit.
> that the livestock have been missing.
> En hefir þú ekki nõkkut riðit Freyfaxa mínum hinn fyrra dag?'
> But have you not at all ridden my Freyfaxa there for a day?"
> Hann kvezk eigi þræta þess mega.
> He said he could not deny it.
> Hrafnkell svarar: 'Fyrir hví reiztu þessu hrossi,
> Hrafenkell answered: "Why (? Couldn't figure out the verb) did you get
> up ? on this horse,
> er þér var bannat, þar er hin váru nóg til,
> which was forbidden to you, although there were enough
> er þér var lofat?
> which were permitted to you?
> Þar munda ek hafa gefit þér upp eina sõk,
> Seeing that I would have given you one offense,
> ef ek hefða eigi svá mikit um mælt,
> if I had not so much spoken about it,
> en þó hefir þú vel við gengit.'
> Even though you have readily confessed."
> --
> Fred & Grace Hatton
> Hawley, Pa.