From: xigung
Message: 4078
Date: 2004-01-21
> Finally!! I'm still not paying too much attention to verb tenses --they all end up past tense in the translation anyway, but if anyone
> ___________________________________seen - has
> Hann spurði alla sauðarmenn at seljum,
> he - asked - all - shepherds - at - shielings
> He asked all the shepherds at the shielings
> ef nõkkurr hefði sét þetta fé, ok kvazk engi sét hafa.
> if - anyone - had - seen - these - livestock - but - says - no one -
> whether anyone had seen the sheep, but no one had seen them.To me "af sér" cannot mean 'with himself', as you write.
> Einarr reið Freyfaxa allt frá eldingu ok til miðs aptans.
> Einarr - rode - Freyfaxi - all - from - dawn - and - to - mid - evening
> Einar rode Freyfaxi from daybreak until the middle of the evening.
> [Note: Gordon says "miðr aptann" is 6 pm.]
> Hestrinn bar hann skjótt yfir ok víða,
> the horse - bore - him - quickly - over/across - and - widely
> The horse carried him fast and over a wide area,
> því at hestrinn var góðr af sér.
> since - the horse - was - generous - with - himself
> because the horse was willing to go all-out.
> Einari kom þat í hug, at honum mundi mál heimtowards home
> to Einarr - came - it - to - mind - that - to him - must be - time -
> Einar decided that it was time to head homeHrafnkelsdalr
> ok reka þat fyrst heim, sem heima var,
> and - drive - that - first - in - which - at home - was
> and round up the (sheep) that were at home first,
> þótt hann fyndi hitt eigi.
> even if - he - found - the other - not
> even if he did not find the others.
> Reið hann þá austr yfir hálsa í Hrafnkelsdal.
> rode - he - then - eastwards - over/across - ridges - toward -
> He then rode east over the ridges towards Hrafnkelsdal.Can "í" mean 'towards'? I think, with accusative, it is
> En er hann kemr ofan at Grjótteigi,'from above' (ofan) is more literal.
> but - when - he - came - down - to - Grjótteigr
> But when he came down to Grjotteig,
> heyrir hann sauðarjarm fram með gilinu,"fram" does not have a meaning similar to English 'from'.
> hears - he - bleating of sheep - from - along - the ravine
> he heard the sound of bleating coming from the ravine
> þangat sem hann hafði fram riðit áðr.To me it seems more like "fram" should be read together
> thither - which - he - had - in front of - ridden - before
> which he had ridden past earlier.
> Snýr hann þangat til ok sér renna í móti sér þrjá tigu ásauðar,himself - three - ten - of ewe
> turns - he - thither - towards - and - sees - running - to - meet -
> He turned towards this (ravine) and saw thirty ewes running to meet him,"í móti" is indicative of direction.
> þat sama sem hann vantat hafði áðr viku,- every - hair - of his
> that - same - which - he - been lacking - had - before - week
> the same ones that he had been missing for the previous week,
> ok støkkði hann því heim með fénu.
> and - drove - he - it - homewards - with - the livestock
> and he drove them home along with the (other) sheep.
> Hestrinn var vátr allr af sveita, svá at draup ór hverju hári hans,
> the stallion - was - wet - with - sweat - so - that - dripped - from
> The stallion was wet with sweat, so that it dripped from every hair.I do not read it as the horse "standing up", as if
> var mjõk leirstokkinn ok móðr mjõk ákafliga.
> was - much - mud-bespattered - and - weary - much - exceedingly
> He was very splattered with mud and completely exhausted.
> Hann veltisk nõkkurum tólf sinnum,
> he - rolls over - some - twelve - times
> He rolled over some twelve times,
> ok eptir þat setr hann upp hnegg mikit.
> and - after - that - set - he - up - neighing - great
> and then he stood up with a great neigh,
> Siðan tekr hann á mikilli rás ofan eptir gõtunum.
> afterwards - takes - he - in - great - rush - down - after - the
> and took off at great speed down the path.Here I read "eptir" as 'along'.
>- the stallion
> Einarr snýr eptir honum ok vill komask fyrir hestinn
> Einarr - went - after - him - and - wanting - to come - in front of
> Einar went after him and wanted to head off the stallion- mares
> ok vildi hõndla hann ok fora (foera) hann aptr til hrossa,
> and - wanted - to lay hands on - him - and - bring - him - back - to
> and catch him and bring him back to the mares,proximity - to him
> en hann var svá styggr, at Einarr komsk hvergi í nándir honum.
> but - he - was - so - shy - that - Einarr - came - nowhere - in -
> but he was so shy that Einar could get nowhere near - place
> Hestrinn hleypr ofan eptir dalnum ok nemr eigi stað,
> the stallion - galloped - down - along - the valley - and - halted -
> The stallion galloped down the valley and did not stop'he comes' actually.
> fyrr en hann kemr á Aðalból.
> until - he - came - to - Aðalból
> until he came to Adalbol.
>Maybe you are right that he was eating dinner.
> Þá sat Hrafnkell yfir borðum.
> there - sat - Hrafnkell - over - boards
> Hrafnkel was eating dinner.
> Ok er hestrinn kemr fyrir dyrr, hneggjaði hann þá hátt.he - then - loudly
> and - when - the stallion - came - in front of - doorway - neighed -
> And when the stallion reached the door, he neighed loudly.Here I'd rather say that the neigh 'was alike to'
> Hrafnkell mælti við eina konu, þá sem þjónaði fyrir borðinu,
> Hrafnkell - said - to - one - woman - who - served - before - the table
> Hrafnkel told one of the women who was serving at the table,
> at hon skyldi fara til duranna, því at hross hneggjaði,
> that - she - should - go - to - the door - because - a horse - neighed
> that she should go to the door, because a horse neighed
> --'ok þótti mér líkt vera gnegg Freyfaxa.'
> and - seemed - to me - like - it is - neigh - of Freyfaxi
> --"and it sounded to me like the neigh of Freyfaxi."
> Hon gengr fram í dyrrnar ok sér Freyfaxa mjõk ókræsiligan.dirty
> she - went - away - to - the doorway - and - saw - Freyfaxi - much -
> She went to the door and saw a very dirty Freyfaxi.Well, I may not be correct on all counts.
> Hon sagði Hrafnkeli,
> she - said - to Hrafnkell
> She said to Hrafnkel,
> at Freyfaxi var fyrir durum úti, mjõk óþokkuligr.
> that - Freyfaxi - was - in front of - doorway - outside - much - dirty
> that Freyfaxi was outside in front of the door, thoroughly filthy.