This is correct. The Arabic traveller Ibn Fadlan's account of a
Viking funeral, which was borrowed almost word-for-word by Michael Crichton for
his novel "Eaters of the Dead" (made into the movie "The 13th Warrior"), was a
Rus funeral. According to a Nova documentary I have, they settled what
would later become one of the major Russian cities (Kiev?) and travelled along
the Dnieper (sp?) river. The details are a little fuzzy for me, because I
haven't watched the documentary recently.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, January 12, 2004 9:20
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Re: Help with
one phrase? - Old Norse and runestones (myths)
I think they actually were Vikings, not just
descendants. I remember hearing somewhere that the word "Rus" was
from the Finnish "Ruotsi", their term for Swedes.