Thank you very much!
I am definately looking for the imperative, as is "tak upp hamarinn
bann" (forgive my lack of font). If I were to inscribe that phrase,
using the Elder Futhark, would it look like this:

/ |\ /|\
< |\ / | \
\ | |

|\/ |\
| | |
|/\ | |

| | |\ |\ |><| |\ | |
+ | |/ |\ | | |\ |-_|
| | |\ | | | | | |

| | |\ |\ /|
| + |\ | >< |
. | | |/ \|

(I again apologize... Yahoo Groups doesn't support runic fonts, does

I'm not sure if the first letter of the last word is actually a form
of "b" or "d/dh", or if the exclamation point actually exists in
ancient runic inscriptions.

Thanks again,
