Many thanks Haukur! Very helpful as always.



> Hinn 20. November 2003 lét Alfta þetta frá sér fara:
> > Greetings,
> >
> > I am wondering if anyone could explain the use of the word "upp" in the
following sentence.
> >
> > Hér hefur upp og segir frá þeim manni er Sigi er nefndur og kallaður að
héti son Óðins.
> When you see a preposition seemingly inexplicably following a verb like
this you
> often have what's called a phrasal verb. It's a good idea to look up the
verb in
> the dictionary. The last part of a verb's entry often is "with preps."
> This is indeed the case here:
> - - -
> hefja e-t upp, to begin (= hefja 3)
> Egill hóf upp kvæðit, E. began his poem
> - - -
> > For that matter, the whole of the this first part of the setence is
> > a bit difficult and I would be interested in hearing some thoughts
> > on the construction of it.
> Well, 'segja frá' is another phrasal verb meaning "tell, relate".
> Although active in Old Norse we'll probably have to translate it
> with an English passive, something like:
> "Here begins and is related [a story] about the man who was named Sigi
> Kveðja,
> Haukur
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