They have the pre-aspiration in the area of Härjedalen (ON 'Herdalr')
as well. E.g. ON 'bakki' has become herdalish [bahke].
Like my own dialect, 'p' 't' and 'k' makes a preceding consonant
(cluster) voiceless - or at least it was voiceless at some stage -
in many cases. Especially 'r' and 'll' become voiceless (with 'r'
even being pronunced like English 'sh' which - of course - is
voiceless though not a voiceless 'r').
--- In, falconsword@... wrote:
> Oh yes; and someone might ask
> what I mean with "satt" being
> pronounced [saht].
> That little [h] there is called pre-aspiration;
> it is not found in other Germanic languages
> (but I understand it exists in some Spanish
> dialects).
> If you want to know how [saht] sounds then
> read [t^has] (Tass) to your computer and have
> it play the sound file in reverse.
> Regards,
> Haukur
> P.S. And yes, this really does work:)