The hooked "o" generated by means of Mozilla Composer.
I will here describe how the Mozilla Composer may be used to write
some unicode characters that are not acessible within the older
ISO-8859-Latin1 char set. Here follows a recipe for writing the
hooked o:

1) Begin in Mozilla.
In Mozilla choose the "Window" menu, and there choose the sub-menu
"Composer", which is below Navigator and Mail & Newsgroups.

2) The e-mail may then be written in the Composer window.
(The Composer is a clever wysiwyg editor, which is especially good at
generating html-code ).

3) The hooked-o may be inserted by choosing the menu "Insert",
and there the sub-menu "Characters & symbols...".

4) Having opened "Characters & Symbols.." you will find a small
dialogue-box with 5 buttons in front of you. For the hooked-o, click
on the "Accent Lowercase" button.

5) Having chosen "Accent Lowercase", go to the two small text windows
below the 5 buttons. The text windows are called "Letter:" and

6) Scroll down the "Letter:" window on the lower left until you find
the "o".
Then scroll down the "Character:" window on the lower right, until you
find the hooked-o.

7)Once you have managed to find the hooked-o in the right text window,
go to the two square buttons at the bottom of the "Character"

8) Finish by first clicking the lower left "Insert" button, and
finally the
lower right "Close" button. The "Character" dialogue-box will now close,
and you will see that you now have a hooked-o in your Mozilla Composer
editor, like this: ǫ

The above description is quite detailed. In actual practice the whole
process is
much quicker than it would seem from the description.

What now? How do I go from the Composer editor to e-mail?
Well, I am not quite sure, since that is what I'll try now. Cut and Paste
is of course always a possibility. Other possibilities are "Publish" and
also "Send Page..." under the Composer's "File" menu.
Cut and Paste is of course done via the Composer's "Edit" menu.
First choose "Select All", then "Copy".
