The Morgunblaðið related.

Not an earth-shattering discovery but an interesting one.

Árni Böðvarsson was one of the best-known Icelandic poets of
his time. While much of his work is too highly-wrought and
opaque to be appreciated by most modern writers there are
some simple strophes here and there:

Óðar verkin segjast sein,
sæfðust skriftir ljóða,
þegar í merki meyjar skein
mána niftin rjóða.

The works of poetry appear late,
the writing of poems was put to sleep,
when the fresh-faced sister of the moon
was shining in the sign of the maiden.

A more typical strophe:

Lengi börðust, málmar mörðust, meiðslin hörðust
hlaut af Svelni(r) höggvörðs lauta
Hauður auðs og rauðan dauða.

They fought for a long time. Metals were crushed.
The Hauður of wealth received from the Svelnir
of blow-defenders severe wounds and a red death.

Or this:

Ákaft veður, úlfa seður, undvarg meður
herinn gegn um þar næst þveran,
þótti ei dróttum drótt af ótta.

He wades ferociously through the whole
length of the army. And then he gives
the wolfs enough to eat. People were
not considered to be comfortable due
to fear.

The metre of the last two is Bragagjöf; Bragi's gift.
