Yes, I see that the Q's look strange.  It's not changing the font size for you.  It looks okay on my computer -- it comes out the same size as the lower case letters.
#2 seems to be a viable option.  I get the hooked o, and those who don't have that font will get an o with a tilde. 
The alternative font isn't an option for unix people then?  I'd rather not learn new unicodes for edh and thorn anyway!  I don't mind using the o-umlaut for a hooked o either if that is what is conventional.
I notice that you didn't get the oe ligature in the word boe, even with the Times New Roman.  Should I just use an oe for that then?
----- Original Message -----
From: Arlie Stephens
Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] sample texts

On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 11:51:54AM -0500, Laurel Bradshaw wrote:
> 1.  Times New Roman using Q for the hooked o:
> Þetta veitir faðir hans honum, ok hann gerir sér bo í dal þeim ok kallar á Aðalbóli.  Hrafnkel fekk Oddbjargar SkjQldólfsdóttur ór Laxárdal.  Þau áttu tvá sonu.  Hét inn ellri Þórir, en inn yngri ÁsbjQrn.

Looks strange
> 2.  Times New Roman switching to Reykholt Times for the hooked o:
> Þetta veitir faðir hans honum, ok hann gerir sér bo í dal þeim ok kallar á Aðalbóli.  Hrafnkell fekk Oddbjargar Skjõldólfsdóttur ór Laxárdal.  Þau áttu tvá sonu.  Hét inn ellri Þórir, en inn yngri Ásbjõrn.

Visually reasonable, as I see the hooked o as an o with a tilda on top, like
a spanish n, and that's close enough visually to the o-umlaut conventional
replacement.  I notice that you didn't get the oe ligature in the word boe, even with the Times New Roman.  Should I just use an oe for that then?
> 3.  Text in Reykholt Times font.
> Ãetta veitir fañir hans honum, ok hann gerir sér bo í dal ãeim ok kallar á Añalbóli.  Hrafnkell fekk Oddbjargar Skjõldólfsdóttur ór Laxárdal.  Ãau áttu tvá sonu.  Hét inn ellri Ãorir, en inn yngri Ásbjõrn.

Seeing A-with-tilda for thorn, n-with-tilda for eth; and (as above) o with
tilda for hooked o; quite unreadable without a lot of getting used to.


(Arlie Stephens                                            arlie@...)

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