While it is sad that so many languages are dying out, and indeed more people should be studying them, I don't agree that languages like Elvish or Klingon are necessarily a distraction. In my own case, Tolkien's languages were the inspiration that drove me to learn more about language and grammar than I ever did in school, and in a roundabout way, led me to study ON now.


Mark Hall wrote:
On 9/19/2003, "Erich Rickheit KSC" <rickheit-ync@...> wrote:

Kevin McKechnie wrote:
I did not know you could even learn Elvish!!! Good luck mate,
sounds interesting.
Best source for learning Tolkien's languages:
The sad part I find to all these folks rushing out and trying to
Elvish and Klingon and whatever else is, that there are lots of perfectly
good languages that are dead, dying and going into oblivion for a variety
reasons.  And even from an academic viewpoint, so of these languages,
particularly the Native american ones only have a handful of schoalrs
working on them/preserving them.  Sigh.. :(

Best, MEH

Mark Hall

Mark Hall

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Daniel Bray

Daniel Bray


School of Studies in Religion A20

University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia

"Human history becomes more and more a race between education and catastrophe." H. G. Wells