Greetings Haukur,
Thanks very much for the reply. I was able to obtain a copy of it just
recently and we will be working on getting it transcribed for the Northvegr
site some time in the coming months. I hope you might be interested in
looking it over once we have it ready to post at the site.
best regards,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Haukur Thorgeirsson" <haukurth@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2003 3:59 PM
Subject: Re: [norse_course] Rasmus Rask
> > I was wondering if Haukur and others in the know, have an opinion on the
> > English translation of Rasmus Rask's Old Icelandic Grammar?
> Since I've never seen a copy I'm unable to comment :)
> Rask, of course, was a pioneer in the field and while much
> of what he contributed is now obsolete he unquestionably
> did know Icelandic.
> KveĆ°ja,
> Haukur
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