The plot thickens!!
Bơðvarr gengr nú til þess rúms sem honum líkaði, en ekki vill hann þat skipa sem hinn hafði áðr.
BQðvarr - goes - now - to - that - space - where - him - it pleased, but - not - wishes - he - that one - to occupy - where - the other - had - before
Bodvar now went to that seat which pleased him, but he didn't wish to sit where the other fellow had before.
Hann kippir upp í einhverjum stað þremr mơnnum, ok síðan settusk þeir Hơttr þar niðr ok innar í hơllinni en þeim var skipat.
He - yanks - up - in - a certain - place - three - of men, and - afterwards - seats himself - they - HQttr - there - down - and - farther in - to - the hall - than - those - were - assigned
In that spot he yanked up three men, and then he seated himself and Hood right down and farther into the hall than they had been assigned.
Heldr þótti mơnnum ódælt við Bơðvar, ok er þeim hinn mesti íhugi at honum.
Rather - thought - men - overbearing - with - BQðvarr, and - is - to them - the - most - resentment - towards - him
Men thought all the more that Bodvar was full of himself, and they felt the greatest resentment towards him.
Ok sem leið at jólum, gørðusk menn ókátir.
And - as - passes away - towards - Yule, become - men - depressed/gloomy
And as the time wore on towards Yule, men became gloomy.
Bơðvarr spyrr Hơtt hverju þetta sætti;
BQðvarr - asks - HQttr - what - this - signifies
Bodvar asked Hood what this might mean;
hann segir honum at dýr eitt hafi þar komit tvá vetr í samt, mikit ok ógurligt –
he - says - to him - that - animal/beast - one - has - there - come - two - winter - together, large - and - terrible
he said to him that an animal had come there two winters in a row, large and terrible --
“ok hefir vængi á bakinu ok flýgr þat jafnan.
and - has - wings - on - the back - and flies - that one - always
"and there are wings on its back and it always flies.
Tvau haust hefir þat nú hingat vitjat ok gơrt mikinn skaða.
two - autumn - has - that one - now - hither - visited - and - made - great - damage
It has now come visiting here two autumns and done great damage.
Á þat bíta ekki vápn, en kappar konungs koma ekki heim, þeir sem at eru einna mestir.”
on - that one - will bite - no - weapon, and - champions - king's - come - not - home, those - who - are - of all - greatest
No weapon will bite on it, and those who are the greatest of all the king's champions do not come home."
Bơðvarr mælti, “Ekki er hơllin svá vel skipuð sem ek ætlaða, ef eitt dýr skal hér eyða ríki ok fé konungsins.”
BQðvarr - says, not - is - the hall - as - well - prepared/equipped - as - I - expect, if - one - beast - shall - here - lay waste - kingdom - and - possessions/cattle - of the king
Bodvar said, "The hall is not as well equipped as I would expect, if one beast can lay waste the king's kingdom and cattle.
Hơttr sagði, “Þat er ekki dýr, heldr er þat hit mesta trơll.”
HQttr - says, that one - is - no - beast, rather - is - that one - the - greatest - troll
Hood said, "That is no beast, rather it is the greatest troll."
Nú kømr jóla-aptann.
now - comes - Yule-eve
Now Yule-eve came.
Þá mælti konungr, “Nú vil ek at menn sé kyrrir ok hljóðir í nótt,
then - says - king, now - will - I - that - men - be - quiet - and - silent - during - night
Then the king said, "Now I command that men be quiet and silent during the night,
ok banna ek ơllum mínum mơnnum at ganga í nơkkurn háska við dýrit, en fé ferr eptir því sem auðnar;
and - forbid - I - all - my - men - to - go - to - any - danger - with - the beast, and - cattle - will fare - according to - that - as - fated
and I forbid all my men to run any risk with the beast, and the cattle will fare according to what is fated;
menn mína vil ek ekki missa.”
men - my - intend - I - not - to lose
I do not intend to lose my men."
Allir heita hér góðu um, at gøra eptir því sem konungr bauð.
all - promise - here - good behavior - about it, to act - according to - that - as - king - bade
They all promised willingly to do as the king commanded.