From: Lewis, Raymond J. Message: 3482 Date: 2003-08-20
Stephen -
Well done. Take any language course on the continent and you will
be asked to write something down. Only in a few arcane languages do some
seem to get the strange idea that translation is, alone, the key to
learning. This
I do not understand - and am glad to see others, such as yourself, take a
different approach.
Hér er maðr. Hann heitir Óláfr. Óláfr er konungr.
Here is a man. He is called Olaf. Olaf is a king.
Hér er ok maðr. Hann heitir Eiríkr. Eiríkr er jarl.
Here is also a man (another [annarr] is learned in lesson 8). He is called
Eirik. Eirik is an Earl.
Óláfr konungr á eigi bát.
King Olaf doesn't own a boat.
Eiríkr jarl á bát. Bátrinn heitir "Ormrinn Langi."
Earl Eirik owns a boat. The boat is called "The Long Serpent."
Óláfr sér bátinn ok segir "Ek vil bátinn."
Olaf sees the boat and says, "I want the boat."
Eiríkr gefr eigi Óláfi bátinn. Óláfr vegr Eirík ok tekr bátinn.
Eirik doesn't give Olaf the boat. Olaf kills Eirik and takes the boat.
Nú er Óláfr konungr víkingr. Menn sjá Óláfs bát koma ok flýja.
Now King Olaf is a viking. Men see Olaf''s boat come and get the heck out of
there (i.e., flee).
Thanks for posting
-----Original Message-----
From: Stephen Fryer
To: Norse Course
Sent: 8/19/2003 6:16 PM
Subject: [norse_course] A Little Story
One way of learning anything is to try to use it for something.
Applying that
to Old Norse, I wrote this mini-story. Please note that I used things
that I
haven't got to yet in Hauks course yet, but since I needed them, I went
found them. Hopefully I got things right; if not, I'm sure someone will
correct my errors and I will improve my knowledge thereby.
Hér er ok maðr. Hann heitir Eiríkr. Eiríkr er jarl.
Óláfr konungr á eigi bát.
Eiríkr jarl á bát. Bátrinn heitir "Ormrinn Langi."
Óláfr sér bátinn ok segir "Ek vil bátinn."
Eiríkr gefr eigi Óláfi bátinn. Óláfr vegr Eirík ok tekr bátinn.
Nú er Óláfr konungr víkingr. Menn sjá Óláfs bát koma ok flýja.
The more answers I find, the more questions I have
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