> > I have recorded a sound sample of GÖNDUL using some sort ofModern
> > reconstructed Old Norse:
> > http://www.geocities.com/jepe2503/gondul.wav
> > Note the sentence "Nuunän köm ooLe:" ("Now comes the word:",
> > Jamtlandic dialect) before the actual word. I have recorded it asa
> > sample of my own default accent; then you may peel of my accentfrom
> > the recording and add, e.g., Modern Icelandic accent if you wouldwork).
> > like to (or any other accent - but I think my own should do the
> Here's mine:
> http://www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/sounds/rpgondul.wav
> http://www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/sounds/ipgondul.wav
> Göndul ok Skögul
> sendi Gauta-Týr
> at kjósa um konunga;
> hverr Yngva ættar
> skyldi með Óðni fara
> ok í Valhöllu vera.
> The god of the Gautar
> sent Göndul and Skögul
> to choose among kings;
> who of Yngvi's kin
> should go to Óðinn
> and stay in Valhöll.
> Kveðja,
> Haukur