> I'm sure it would be helpful to record Old Icelandic/Norse literary
> works and give a carefully reconstructed sound-guide to the
> reconstructed phonemes as well as the metre intended in recital. I
> disagree with you on your latter point.
> I can recommend the CD "Edda - Myths from Medieval Iceland" by
> Sequentia, sung recordings of part of the Edda using a reconstructed
> Norse phonemic system.

I hear that from time to time. I also saw that Renee praised
their new album; saying the phonetic reconstruction was impeccable.
See here, rather far down the page:


Anyway, Óskar and I reviewed their Myth CD during the heyday
of this list. Our reviews can be found here:


We independently came to almost exactly the same conclusions.
(But they need not be the only valid ones.)
