Why - yes! I do believe that you should be in bed!
I've seen other posts by you - so I know that you're not daft or anything.
Did you know, my good man, that one can, at this very moment, purchase audio
tapes on Classical Latin and Ancient Greek pronunciation? Now - I've been
that neither the Romans or the Old Greeks had recording equipment and, since
am a rather smug modern, I'm inclined to believe it. However, since I'm
also a
really smart hick - I have an idea that the pronunciation of now dead
can be grasped at (i.e., reconstructed) by various means. Since you are
a slick fellow, who knows many things, please let me know if I might,
be, somewhat, on the right track here. If you find that the correct
path be followed, or nearly so, please indicate why it is that Old Norse is
incredibly special that others could not have gone about the task of the
of the pronunciation thereof. Since I, in fact, do not know that there are
no such
tapes, your explanation will be most welcome.
-----Original Message-----
From: sjuler
Sent: 7/29/2003 8:02 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Sv: Re: Sv: thanks
I write this message 2 a.m., I should be in my bed now :)
The reason that I wrote "Are you really sure that there are Old Norse
learning tapes on the market out there!?" is that Dorilys was asking
for "Old Norse [...]learning tapes". As you know, there are no such
tapes since Old Norse is not a spoken language (any more). This
should have been realized by Dorilys (or be realized _now_).
--- In
norse_course@yahoogroups.com, "Lewis, Raymond J."
<lewisrj@...> wrote:
> Say - weren't you the fellow that wrote:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> I usually write my posts around midnight. Maybe I should be in bed
> then :D
> Sjul
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> After reading this I'd have to say ----------------------->>>
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sjuler
> To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: 7/26/2003 4:16 PM
> Subject: [norse_course] Andsvar: thanks
> Are you really sure that there are Old Norse learning tapes on the
> market out there!? I knew that the Norse culture was amongst the
> advanced ones in the medieval, but I didn't know they invented a
> sound recording system...
> /Sjuler
> ----------------------->>>
> that it looks like you've stayed up too late again - eh?
> Raymond
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> --- In norse_course@yahoogroups.com, Dorilys Turner <khorrki@...>
> wrote:
> > Thanks for the wonderful pages you've sent so far. Do you know
> where to get Old Norse or Icelandic language learning tapes, & @
> price? Sunshine & Rain!
> >
> >
> > blessings, dorilys
> >
> >
> > ---------------------------------