OK folks!
It looks like Hrafnkel´s saga it is!  I'm sure Simon will be happy with that decision too - I guess he must be on holiday right now.
I don´t mind starting now but I'd need to take a break over August because I'm away for most of that month.  Or would people prefer to wait until Sept?  (One advantage of that is that if anyone does want to catch up with some of Bothvar, then they have time.)
I'll go along with whatever most people want.
Over to you once again!
----- Original Message -----
From: Gerald Mcharg
To: norse_course@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:34 PM
Subject: [norse_course] from Jed - Let's do Hrafnkel !

Dear Sarah, Grace Thomas and Laurel,
What a wonderful response to the notion that we should continue translating. I honestly thought that all or most of you would be too busy to continue.
I think Hrafnkels Saga an excellent choice; I was going to suggest it myself. Right now I'm going through ' the Greenland Prophetess' again, but Hrafnkel comes straight after it in Gordon and I'm ready to start anytime you want.

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