Sæl Grace!

I thought you managed this really well. Have a look at Jed's version - his
literal translation followed by the final version helps to see where he got
it from!!

You asked about "annat" in
en þó þorir hann víst eigi annat.
It comes from "annarr", usually translated with 'other' or 'another'. It's
in the neuter, accusative, singular form. In this context, I would
translate it as 'and yet he certainly does not dare do anything else'.

tekr Böðvarr til hans... taka til is a phrasal verb - I can never work the
meaning of these out from their constituent parts and resort to Gordon's
glossary which gives 'have recourse to' or 'lay hands on'. In this context
Bodvar lays hands on (seizes) Hott.
ok áttusk þeir við... áttusk comes from eigask við meaning to wrestle or
fight. It´s the past tense form.

Helzt ertu nú sterkr orðinn.... sterkr is the regular form, not the

Eigi mun ek þá hræðask... mun comes from munu (present tense form) meaning
'will' as opposed to must.

You also ask about "þik" in
ok eigi þik upp frá þessu. It´s the 2nd person singular accusative form of
þú (not to be confused with þit which is the dual form).

ok hafa kyrt um sik... remember kyrr refers to movement rather than sound so
perhaps it would be more accurate to say something like
after that they went home and slipped in quietly and no one knew etc...

hvárt þat hafi nokkut þangat vitjat um... vitja is usually translated as
'to visit', so literally this means 'whether it has someplace to-there

hvárt engi sæi líkindi til - whether anyone saw signs
at þat hefði heim komit - here þat refers to dýrit

I hope this helps. If you´re not accustomed to grammatical terms like
accusative, comparative, subjunctive etc, just let me know and I'll express
it another way so it means something!!

Bye for now,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Grace Hatton" <hatton@...>
To: <norse_course@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2003 4:10 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Boðvarr plays a trick

I had trouble figuring out some of the details, but I am enjoying this
immensely. Thanks so much for this translating stuff!!!

Hann er lengi tregr, en þó þorir hann víst eigi annat. Boðvarr lætr hann
drekka tvá sopa stóra;
He was reluctant for a long time, but nevertheless he dared certainly not
(annat?). B. had him drink two great mouthfuls;

hann lét hann ok eta nokkut af dýrshjartanu. Eptir þetta tekr Boðvarr til
hans ok áttusk þeir við
he had him also eat some of the beast's heart. After that B. took to him?
and they ate with?

lengi. Boðvarr mælti: "Helzt ertu nú sterkr orðinn, ok ekki vænti ek at þú
hræðisk nú hirðmenn
for a long time. B. said, "Most of all you are now become stronger and I
don't expect you to be frightened of King Hrólf's retainers."

Hrólfs konungs." Hottr sagði, "Eigi mun ek þá hræðask ok eigi þik upp frá
þessu." "Vel er þá
Hottr said, "I must not be afraid of them nor
of you (is the dual here because the two are together?) from now on." "It
has turned out well,"

orðit, Hottr félagi. Foru vit nú til ok reisum upp dýrit ok búum svá um at
aðrir ætli at kvikt muni
Hottr buddy. We two go now to raise up the beast and arrange it so that
others think it must be alive."

vera." Þeir gøra nú svá. Eptir þat fara þeir heim ok hafa kyrt um sik, ok
veit engi maðr hvat þeir
They now did so. After that they went home and remained silent,
and no man knew what they had done.
hafa iðjat.

Konungr spyrr um morguninn hvat þeir viti til dýrsins, hvárt þat hafi
nokkut þangat vitjat um
The king asked in the morning what they knew of the beast, what had gone on
there in the night.

nóttina. Honum var sagt at fé alt væri heilt í grindum ok ósakat. Konungr
bað menn forvitnask
To him was said, that the livestock were well in the pen and
unhurt. The king told men to find out

hvárt engi sæi líkindi til at þat hefði heim komit. Varðmenn gørðu svá ok
kómu skjótt aptr ok
why he didn't see that the (þat= fé?) livestock had come home. So watchmen
went and came quickly back and

sogðu konungi at dýrit foeri þar ok heldr geyst at borginni. Kongungr bað
hirðmenn vera hrausta
said to the king that the beast went there and rather rushed
furiously. The king told his retainers to be brave

ok duga nú hvern eptir því sem hann hefði hug til, ok ráða af óvætt þenna;
ok svá var gort, sem
and help now to turn back because he had to think out and advise them
about the monster; and so it was done,

konungr bað, at þeir bjoggu sik til þess.
as the king bade, that they prepared themselves for this.

Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley, PA

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