There is a nifty little site on the web, which lets you point and click and hear brief sound files of the IPA phonetic symbols.  Go here, click on Vowels, and then you can listen to the ø sound.  (assuming you have Real Player, or some other means of playing sound files)
----- Original Message -----
From: Lewis, Raymond J.
To: ''
Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 9:15 PM
Subject: [norse_course] RE:Work-Werk-W[ue..]rk

I don't think that anyone would like to see a transliteration of
skjótøx since ø does not correspond with any letter - or group of
letters - in the English language. Also, English, the spelling of
which being obfuscated beyond the comprehension of mortal man, does
not offer us much opportunity for non-ambiguous representations of
words that, we would like to think, have very specific pronunciation.