 I would not enter in this discussion because I have some conceptions(in pronunciation matters) really different from the most of you.But,one little inference made me enter now in the question.So,let's go straight to the question:

>"> Of these 2 is defensible, 3 and 3.2 are correct, >>I am not
>>certain about 1 and 4 while 3.1 and 5 are >>definitely incorrect.
>5 is only incorrect because you've never tried it, >but wold otherwise be
>correct as an assumption from English speakers
 When you say that "it's correct to the english speakers",you're defending a feeble point-of-view.
 All languages have a nomadic nature,but(how a delightful paradox!!!)they have some axioms that should be followed.So,how to solve this problem?Only assuming which all the "speaker beings" are capable to reach the hypothetic "herself" of other being that is a "natural speaker" of the language he is now trying to talk.
 Reaching this "state of mind",entering in the "herself" of a "natural speaker" of the language he is trying to use,ALL the natural conceptions of your hypothetic "birth-language" MUST be abandoned.This "abandon" it's a ineffaceable introduction to any effort in speak all languages not-natural to you.
 Of course someone might could say that,doing what was said above,all the singularity of the "being that is trying to speak another language than your own" it's lost.Certainly who say that has serious problems with his five wits.The singularity of the "speaker" isn't negated for his effort in follow the "languages rules" as any "natural speaker" of the language in question.This doesn't happens because all the combination,metric,rhythmics and contents of the words encountered in his message are really proper,express the unique and complete singularity of the speaker.
 Someone may could say too that "dead languages" don't have "living speakers" to we have absolute certainty how the pronunciation "essentially" works. In this case,the most prudent thing to do,it's follow what the majority accepts.The "majority acceptation" becomes the paradigm,the "metrics" that will give us the "proper space" to compose our "sonnet" with our own ideas,passions... singularity.
My best regards,
- R.C.Zarco  

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