Thanks for your comments. As I'm working my way through Gordon's Old Norse texts for the second time - and I really am labouring over them! -you'll forgive me for not discussing all your comments and suggestions. However, regarding your first comment, that I translated 'kømr' as 'came' and not 'come'; this is deliberate. The events related to the king are in the past, but the writer, wishing to give an air of urgency or excitement about what has just happened uses the 'historic present'. It's a literary device used in English and Latin and classical Greek. Your second point that I have not translated 'sé' as a subjunctive is valid. But I don't understand why the the subjunctive, which deals with possible or conditional events, is used here. It is a fact that Boðvar entered the hall; it is not a possibility that may happen, and so I translated it in the indicative and not the subjunctive mood. In fact, I think there is a nuance or subtlety here which is beyond my perception, and if you or someone else can show me where I'm going off track, I'll be grateful. 
Good luck and keep chiselling away at the translations!