From: Thomas Lindblom
Message: 3035
Date: 2003-04-21
Here is the Old Norse version of tha text:
Chapter 23. lines 8-20
Bothvar and Hott introduce themselves!
Bơðvarr gengr þangat til ok spyrr hverr þar væri í beinahrúgunni. Þá var honum svarat ok heldr óframliga: Hơttr heiti ek, bokki sæll. Hví ertu hér, segir Bơðvarr, eða hvat gørir þú? Hơttr segir, Ek gøri mér skjaldborg, bokki sæll. Bơðvarr sagði, Vesall ertu þinnar skjaldborgar! Bơðvarr þrífr til hans ok hnykkir honum upp ór beinahrúgunni. Hơttr kvað þá hátt við ok mælti, Nú viltu mér bana! Gør eigi þetta, svá sem ek hefi nú vel um buizk áðr, en þú hefir nú rótat í sundr skjaldborg minni, ok hafða ek nú svá gơrt hana háva útan at mér, at hon hefir hlíft mér við ơllum hơggum ykkar, svá at engi hơgg hafa komit á mik lengi, en ekki var hon enn svá búin sem ek ætlaða hon skyldi verða.
And here is my translation:
Bodhvarr walks thereto an asks who was in the bonepile.Then he was answered shyly: My name is Hottr ?????. Why are you here Bodhvarr asks or what are you doing?Höttr says:I ´m building myself a fortress ?????.Bodhvarr said you are a wretched man with your fortressBodhvarr seizes him and pulled him out of the bonepile.Höttr shouted loudly and said now you want to kill me! Don´t do this now when i have prepared better than earlier,and now you have broke down my fortress ,and if i would have made it as good as i had planned it would have kept me safe from all of your blows for a long time.
My comments :
The last sentences were difficult to translate (not to understand though) i´m sure there is at least one mistake there.
Höttr seems to be an idiot.
I didn´t know what a bokki sæll is,and i couldn´t find it in zoega´s.
Skjaldborg is here desperately translated as Fortress i couldn´t find a good word for it but it´s clear to me that it´s something built to protect someone.
See ya!
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